10 Reasons Why You Need “Android mobile app” For Your Business:

What do you understand by "Android"? It is an open-source mobile operating system, which is the backbone of almost every platform around the world. It is used in almost 190 countries and has a large number of stocks in the market. It has almost 2.5 billion users across the globe. The first company to develop Android was named "Open Handset Alliance". Google initially sponsored this company; later, in 2005, it acquired the entirety of it. Google publicly announced Android in November 2007, but released it much later. In September 2008, the first Android-supported device was launched, kicking off the grand business that we see today. After this, android development companies took the lead in the majority of trades and businesses. Now Android-supported devices are a name to be reckoned with in every household. Android is user-friendly and has many frameworks that companies can use to make various Android apps. It provides a lot of flexibility where the companies c...