Explore the Top Digital Marketing Trends of 2021
The massive Covid-19 pandemic hitting across the globe in the year 2020 drastically changed the entire working scenario of almost every industry. From Information Technology to education, retail and the list continues, all the sectors of business faced the hit of the pandemic during 2020. As a result of the outbreak of the Corona Virus the working procedure of industries changed drastically. Along with the business procedures, the buying habit of customers also changed. Due to the pandemic majority of the population across the globe went through a phase of lock-down, and as a result of this, the buying habit or purchasing pattern of the shoppers changed as a whole. More shoppers focused on the online mode of purchasing and so the present scenario demands maximum utilization of the internet. To grab the attention of the target audience the platform of digital marketing is the most suitable one.
According to a recent survey conducted on digital marketing reveals the fact that around seventy percent of the shoppers during this Covid- 19 hit time prefers shopping from online portals or mobile applications. And to avail, the strong potential of online customers digital marketing can actively assist to enhance business opportunities during these hard times. But to carry on with the process of digital marketing it is essential to have knowledge of the recent trends of digital marketing that will evolve in 2021.
Below are the glimpses of digital marketing trends that will give you an idea of carrying on with the task in a much trendy manner.
Marketing Automation
With the rapid development of digital marketing technology, it should come as no surprise that we will witness marketing automation has become a necessary industry mainstream. With the advent of the automation customer journey has become dynamic as well as fluid, with dozens of touch points scattered across several devices, that having sophisticated attribution models is the only way to project outcomes and calculate ROI precisely. Over time, as a company starts developing, it’ll be nearly impossible to track these numbers manually. Though such marketing automation software has existed previously, developers regularly release new digital capabilities. In the year 2021, this technology will further evolve, allowing marketers to better convert leads, generate personalized content, and also to track results.
Featured Snippet
2021 witnesses “Featured Snippet” as a new goal promoted by Google. For the past several years, the goal of SEO has been to get your listing in the “number one” spot or position of search engine result pages. But the 2021 SEO or digital marketing trend prioritizes “Featured Snippets”. The featured snippet operates differently than other search results entries. Such “Featured Snippets” are set apart by a small box and located at the top. More crucially, it also showcases extra, relevant data with the attempt at answering the user’s question without them needed to click on it, giving the nickname “no-click search.”
Ad Blockers
Ad blockers have become a trend of 2021. Though this aspect can negatively affect the practice, digital marketers need to prepare them accordingly. With such ad blockers many marketers are having their primary stream of traffic automatically cut off and that also includes PPC campaigns as well.
In this case, you want to check how big of an issue it is for you—your advertisement data and analytics should interpret what you need to know. Depending on your specific target audience or where you post ads, you need to draft the strategy. If your ads do fall victim to ad blockers, re-draft and re-adjust your advertising budget to suit other, more fruitful campaign ideas, like influence marketing or sponsored content.
Image Search
Searching images or videos by typing the appropriate keyword is known to all, but did you know you can also submit existing images for a better and easier search result, or even take original photos and search for context? As more users discover these visual search techniques, it has developed as a new digital marketing trend of 2021. Get accustomed to Google Lens and make your SEO techniques right and you can gain good traffic.
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